Saturday, March 27, 2010

[Xenogears Stuff.]

When I was around 11 years old, I went into my first 'gaming' chatroom, equipped with my love for FFVII (as it hadn't been out long and I was obsessed with it, and Cloud, naturally.) When I went into that room, a lot of people kept mentioning a game called Xenogears, and they spoke very highly of it. In fact, it was the popular consensus that it was just as good as FFVII was. I never got a chance to play that game, though, and over the years, I heard less and less of it. I went through all of high school all but forgetting that the game existed. No one I knew or met had played it or even really heard of it. It faded into the recesses of my memory, and I really never gave it any further thought.

Ten years later, I stumble upon it again sifting through cosplay ideas. I'm completely astounded by just how many Keika characters there are in this game. I am usually lucky to find a "sort-of" Keika character. To have more than one is unheard of, and to have one look as similar as it does is just... strange. When I saw Miang and Elly I can hardly describe how weird it was. Miang was like they had taken the picture straight off my facebook, then changed the color scheme a bit. Before you disagree about Elly, just cover up the long hair and look at the face. You might think otherwise but, maybe I'm on something, I see some of myself in her. Kelvina was alright, but I didn't see as much Keika in her as I did the other two (I have a feeling my friends will disagree.)

When I saw them, I knew I had to play the game. As fate would have it, the internet has finally given me the access to play it that I have waited so many years to have. I'll have to work out a few kinks, but I look forward to getting to know the characters, and just playing the game itself.

Of course, there were also two Sheiky characters that I found, Seraphita and Margie. (My vote is on Seraphita, I love her slightly-tanned skin paired with the pink hair, it's really cute. :3) Another candidate was Maria, but I don't see as much Sheiky in her.
The Ne-chan one, Tolone, isn't too terribly awesome looking in this picture, but it's who I think of when I look at her.

The weirdest thing is there really weren't any Kay-chan characters. I can't express how rare that is, it seems like every game I see there's a Kay-chan character blatantly in it. I have a feeling my friends will say that she should be Elly. *shrugs* I don't see it, but I don't see her botching it either.

Anyway, I think that when Ne-chan does her KOS-MOS costume, I will bust out a Xenogears outfit, because I like the way these characters look more than any Xenosaga characters I can think of, and if I can get the game working, I might like the game more too. :) I just thought I'd share, heh heh. Toodles for now! :D


Sheik-Chan said...

Ahh, cool! XD They do look like Keika characters...!!

I think I have heard of this game, but it was a long time ago..

I still remember joining the Zelda chatroom as Link_Luver.. Rofl.. wow, to be young again. Or not.

Anyway...STOP FINDING CHARACTERS!!! XDDDDDDDDDD lol.... Jk. It's alright, It's nice to be prepared for the next few years--then again every year I find more and more!

Keika Strife said...

I can't help it... I get like a high off of finding new characters. It keeps me motivated to cosplay whenever I get discouraged, which is often enough!

And yeah, I found a picture where, I guess Miang like possesses Elly or something? And she looks JUST. LIKE. ME. :O.....

AND...... she has purple eyes. AGAIN. That's how you KNOW I have to cosplay from it RIGHT THERE :O!!!

McAwesum said...

Yeah, I personally have not played Xenogears but have heard it praised very much by a lot of my friends whose opinions I trust... I need to find a rom for it now. It's always fun to play an old school game you haven't tried before. It makes me feel like a kid again. XD

Keika Strife said...

I got the rom but it didn't quite work right. Tried different things for quite a while to get it to work fully, to no avail. Apparently epsxe just has a really difficult time running that game in particular (I'm sure there are others, but Xenogears is notorious for problems from what I've read.) Sucks. The only other way I could play it is to be ripped off and dish out over $100 to buy it for the original playstation. Blah >_>

McAwesum said...

My friend has a copy of the game, but that is his most prized game and is the only game he won't let anyone borrow. Lol.

Keika Strife said...

Good idea on his part, honestly. I seldom ever get the games I lend out back - it's the nature of the trade. He's wise to hold onto it.

McAwesum said...

Yeah, I agree it is very smart. But it sucks to know Xenogears is within arms reach but relatively unattainable.

I am too gracious when it comes to lending games to friends. Luckily, most of my current friends are pretty trustworthy and do return my games in the same condition I gave it to them. lol.

That reminds me... my friend has had my copy of Devil May Cry 4 for over a year... I should get that back. I've been wanting to play it again.