Yup, I finally have some Odin Sphere prop progress to report, and pictures too of course. ;3 Before I go any further though, I owe EVERYTHING to my Tio Steve, who did the most magically amazing job cutting these out for me with his table saw. He was very patient with me as this took several hours, and he deserves all the credit! All I did was give him the sizes and shapes... But yeah.
The two props we worked on were Gwendolyn's psypher and Velvet's psypher. (Note: Psyphers are their weapons, the crystals of which were stolen from the Queen of the Underworld. They absorb the souls of the dead, called phozons, to increase their power.)
Anyway, without further ado, here are some pictures of Gwendolyn's (who my friend is cosplaying) psypher, made out of acrylic sheet and cut with a fancy electric saw:
Upper half, bird's eye view
Upper half, side view
Lower half, side view
Lower half, bird's eye view
I didn't embed the images because they were big and I like my blog to look neat. :3 I also picked up my Velvet wig today. It's very pretty and the color is perfect! Unfortunately because of my thick, dark brows it looks terrible on me, but I'm going to get them dyed way lighter (as I've been wanting to do anyway for the longest time xD) and thinned out considerably as well. Anyway, here's a picture of the wig.
Velvet's psypher pieces are also finished, but I couldn't get them to line up right for a photo, and am too impatient to deal with it right now. I'll be picking up some stuff from the hardware store later this week to give the acrylic a frosted look, then I'll be painting them with glass paint. Our plan is to try and use LEDs inside the crystals to make them glow as they do in the game. Unfortunately given the design of Velvet's psyphers I'm really not sure I'll be able to put LEDs inside. We'll see. However, at the very least, I should have some more pictures of the frosted effect later this week, if it looks good. And my purple contacts are in, I just need to go pick them up. I think that's all for now! :D
Oh wait, one more thing! My Tia Kathy invited me to this makeup convention, it's for theatrical makeup where they apparently sell all the good stuff cheaper than usual. :3 I want to save up money to get some things there! It sounds like the perfect opportunity to stock up on rare cosplay material >:3
Annnnnnd that's a wrap!
Menghilangkan Batuk Pada Ibu Hamil
6 months ago
The wig and psyphers look awesome! I know you're like right behind me but whatever!!!!! D:!!!!
Anyway, not sure what I'll do about my psypher and the LEDs but......we'll see....
:O The wig is awesome!! You looked good as a blonde with Lethe, so you should do just fine with Velvet too. <3
It's way different without bangs just trust me. I can admit I looked decent in my Lethe wig - but without the bangs there it's really really bad. Plus I also had my eyebrows a lot thinner for Lethe too, you have to remember I had Tira brows for that con. I don't have them anymore. :S
But yeah... I'm gonna completely change them for this.
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