I'm not out of school for my one week break until Wednesday, but during my weekends, the time I do have to myself I spent playing some games. I needed it desperately, it was a hobby sorely missed.
Among the games I was blessed to find was Skies of Arcadia for $15, money I spent happily! Sure it has your typical JRPG elements but they did manage to mix a few things up in the system and I'm really enjoying it. :) I haven't felt this kind of joy from a game in a while... playing it kinda makes me feel like a kid again.
I just noticed as I was playing that the boss battle music shifts according to how well you're doing in a fight, and I thought that was a pretty neat concept. There are a lot of pretty neat concepts in this game, they're small but creative, and there's enough of them to make the game noteworthy at the very least. ^^; I can see why it was very highly recommended to me. I plan to play it more before having to go to bed for school tomorrow. Weh.
I'm gonna be attending AniVent that's taking place in Fresno, which is about 45 minutes from where I live, and it's where I go to school. For this convention I'll be throwing together a Winona costume from Pokemon. She's the flying-type gym leader, which is awesome because I quite love my flying team on Pokemon Diamond. I recently got myself a Dragonite after a few grueling hours of power leveling, and he's my star (it's technically a she but I regard it as male... and named it Elliot after Pete's Dragon :3 <3 I love Dragonite!!) Maybe sometime in the winter I'll whip out a Dragonite gijinka cosplay, I dunno. ^~^;
But yeah, here is Winona.
I probably won't do the hair things on the side of her head, or if I do, it won't be out of hair >_>;
Anyway yeah, that's what's up with me. x3 I'ma go play my games, no interruptions. Shall be magical as always. :3
Menghilangkan Batuk Pada Ibu Hamil
6 months ago
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