I can't stop talking about it because I'm so in love with it! It runs Dragon Age on the highest graphical settings and doesn't lag in the slightest. I truly cannot express with mere words how incredibly excited I am for Starcraft II.
Unfortunately I'm uhh... slightly broke because I spent all my money on my new computer (including what was my PAX munners.) PAX sold out of 3-day tickets already anyway, so even if I had the money it's too late now. But that's okay. I'm saving everything I can for next year's PAX. I'm going whether I go alone or not! I'll MAKE some friends. It's gonna happen!!!
I finished my Winona cosplay but there aren't any pictures I have of it right now (I'm sorry, I know I'm horrible at picture updates.) It was just so hot today and I was dripping sweat (106 degrees Fahrenheit) I felt really gross in it and I don't think any picture I would have taken there would have been very flattering to either me or the costume >_>;;
I really did enjoy being in the panel for Ani-Vent though, I think that was my favorite part of the day. I'm pretty sure I will not be attending Ani-vent next year however (I will resist all peer pressure.) I really don't mind attending one or two cons a year. Even if it means being left out (and I know it will) I might just make that trade so that when I do go, I'll have full energy and enthusiasm.
I have this urge to make this personal but everything in me is saying it's a poor idea so, I'm gonna avoid that, and go chill out and play some games. It's so nice having freedom and peace with alone time. I love my friends... and I equally love my solitude. :)
P.S. There was a badass Bill and a hunter at Ani-vent too and they were really cool. It was a rare find at something so small it and it was really awesome to have seen them. :D
Menghilangkan Batuk Pada Ibu Hamil
6 months ago
Yeah Ani-Vent was just tooooo dang hot. =/ I had more fun at the Halloween event.... I can't handle just going to two cons a year. It's just not enough to please my love for cosplaying and cons.. O.O;; So even going to these small ones makes me a bit more happier than I would have been.
I think the mall and the panel were my favorite. XD!! The mall was so cool in there (temp wise). Ahhhh....thanks for showing up though. I hope you take some photos in your Winona cosplay later? I could always get into my Luxray one and take pics (once it is made). :D
I definitely will take more pictures in it with you. This costume wasn't destroyed by the con at all, oddly enough... and it's very easily to slip on and off so it's no hassle. I'll tie the hair back this time even if I look a little bald. IT kept flying in my face and I was like, watching to punch stuff :O
As for the con stuff, I think I'm going to tone it down a little. It puts me in a weird place, because I like hanging out with you guys, but I really don't enjoy trying to bust out a costume 4 times a year... I feel burnt out.
I think you guys can sense that, and I can sense you guys wanting less and less to do with me which is understandable. Feeling this way puts me in a weird place where there will be some disconnect, but I'm just not like you guys, and it took me a little while to figure that out. I think it explains why I've been so frustrated lately. I spent so much energy trying to connect with you guys that doing anything else (or coming up short) left me mentally exhausted and cranky.
I love you guys, and you know that I do. I'm also just realizing now that there are a lot of things you guys really love to do that I just don't enjoy. I shouldn't have to feel like a thorn in the side for not wanting to dance, or make home movies, or go to every con in the area, or make 3-4 costumes for each of those cons. If that means that you guys can't or don't want to include me in certain things, then I'm really okay with that. I just know that, as it stands, if I invested any time in doing what I had been doing I'd have stayed miserable and would have dragged down your guys' constant high. I'm happier taking things at my own pace, and if it's meant to be so, I think you guys will probably like being around a happier Keika too.
So, in case this whole rant confused you, I'm not quitting cosplay, or the group or anything like that. I'm just not going crazy trying to do everything all the time. I'm taking it easy and sort of evaluating where I am in my life and where I'd like to go. I hope you guys will understand.
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