Thursday, March 25, 2010

[Study Break.]

This Medical test of mine is a migraine and a half. I have a stack of flash cards nearly an inch thick and I'm barely half way through this study guide. I don't even want to jinx my next semester by making any predictions about whether or not it will be a relief. If I can pass this final with a decent grade I think I'll be okay. Minus a screw up or two I've done pretty well in the class.

On the good side of things, my sister's friend Gaby is bonkers about Harry Potter, and she wants to dress up with us when we try to hit the premiere of the seventh movie at its midnight showing. She wants to be a Gryffindor, haha. :D She actually seems more enthusiastic about it than most of our group members are about their own individual projects. She's such a crack-up, too. It's gonna be SO much freakin' fun.

I guess I should mention, I'm going to be a Ravenclaw. I'm not sure which type of uniform I want to do yet, but I plan to do more research on it as soon as I'm done with this Medical crap. Kay-chan, Ne-chan, Gaby, Lisa and I all wanna dress up and go to the Harry Potter theme park next summer. I've been so obsessed with it lately - this entire week has been dedicated to catching up on all the things I've missed. I'll eventually finish reading all the books once I get my hands on them. Until then though, I've got a lot of work to do. I hope I'll be able to make some real progress over my break... Wish me luck! :(


Sheik-Chan said...

Good luck on the medical test thing. :3!

Angelique said...

Yes, good luck on your test.

Keika Strife said...

Thanks guys. I'm done studying for the night. I didn't get everything but I have more than half and considering I did most of it in two days... Ugh.